View Poll Results: What would you like to see more of?
Head Textures
153 Votes / 59.53%
Trail Textures
54 Votes / 21.01%
Full Texture Sets
106 Votes / 41.25%
Custom Logos
25 Votes / 9.73%
Custom Avatars
28 Votes / 10.89%
Custom Signatures
26 Votes / 10.12%
Custom Menus
27 Votes / 10.51%
Other - Post it
15 Votes / 5.84%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 257. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

tom paine i wud like to request a head texture

face: 3 waffles shape square
back of head: my name waffle dude written in butter put waffle over dude
I can make GUI textures. Prices range from 5k - 30k for a full GUI set, depending on the quality and what you can pay. Just let me know what you want each part to be like and I can make it. Request it in the following format --->

Splatt: Blood spatter
Logo: The small tori in the left, top corner
Header: The title
Background: The large rectangular background

For each part just describe what you want and let me know a price range thanks