Secret Santa 2024
I be wagin war in form of TOURNEY!!!

if winnar is nawt a furdawg, the fur crayz must be endin

if winnar is furreh, i will be giving them 10k and full beadlebeadle

it r be annoyin, so nao it all be goin to end :3

nao, im gon taek ah nap.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Yes my fox is sexy, get over it.

[22: 15] * RedDevil ([email protected]) has joined #hive
[22: 17] * Gumfighter sets mode +o RedDevil for #hive
[22: 30] <@Malvado> Oh my god.. a Red Devil? You never see many of those anymore, all those fucking purple ones nowadays.
[22: 30] <@RedDevil> :|
[22: 30] <@Tempo> lol adding that to my sig xD
[22: 30] <@Malvado>
[22: 31] <@RedDevil>
[22: 31] <@RedDevil> Waat.
[22: 31] <@Malvado> Who the fuck is Cliff Burton?


[22: 37] ->> You are now known as ToribashCommunity
[22: 37] <@RedDevil> fuckfuckfuck
[22: 37] <@ToribashCommunity> NO FUCK YOU
Last edited by Malvado; Jun 17, 2009 at 11:43 PM.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.