Your name*: My real name is Xavier, my in-game name is TheKingDx
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*: I'm 14 and I'm not lieng
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: I'm a 2nd Dan with over 2,700 Qi
Rank: 550
Posts (must be over 350)*: I have over 625 posts
How many hours a day you play: I usually play for about 2 hours plus a day.
Past Clans: I don't want to do this
The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): I don't want to do this
Best Mod*: AikidoBigDojo.tbm
Ban/infraction history*: I had 2 point infraction for a useless post, a 3 point infraction for insulting a member and a 1 day ban for insulting the same member.
Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*: Well... Probably tc. I'm planning on buying tc.
Active ingame/forums/IRC*: I'm active in-game, in the forum and in the IRC. But I'm probably most active in the forum.
Why do you want do Join?*: Well this clan is very good and an awesome clan. I want to join because I like respected clans and this clan is really respected.
Replays you have made (not nessacery): I don't want to do this.
User Card:
also if you have Skype add me thekingdx1