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Could anyone suggest a good Nocturne build?
Depending on the team, this can vary. I normally play him as a tank buster, using a lot of armor pen and bloodrazor to do my damage.
If I'm the only jungler in the game or if my team gets wards, I'll get a madred's bloodrazor over wriggles lantern. If not, wriggles.
Now, depending on whether I get razor or wriggles, this changes what I'll get next. Wriggles will normally get brutalizer, as it's cheap, it gives me some nice cd reduction, and armor pen. Plus some damage to boot. Bloodrazor will get a vampiric scepter to work towards a stark's fervor, though a brutalizer can be built after I get the scepter if I'm not doing so hot and need a good boost.
After that, guardian angel. Normally I should be doing more than enough damage at this point, so I could do with some survivability outside of lifesteal. Also a second chance at raping the enemy team is too good to pass up. If you do need an extra damage boost, put in a last whisper here instead of later in the game. I'm testing out how sword of the divine would work instead, but until then last whisper should be a good supplement.
Finish up the ghostblade when you can, build more survivability like veil or qss (armor is usually covered by the ga) if you need to, if not, black cleaver and last whisper supplement the armor pen mentality fairly well.
This is slightly glass cannon, but I've had good results with it so far.
Last edited by Oracle; Apr 6, 2011 at 12:07 AM.