I have determined that purple side support maokai is fucking dank. There is only one quick path from leashing red to lane, and that is through tribush, and a lot of junglers start red with assist from bot.
Therefore, since you always start e on support maokai for the extreme early vision, you seed the path into tri with saplings. With their new slow, you can guaranteed force the adc into missing around half the wave if they helped red, by either forcing them to go around golems into lane, or plow through 4-5 seconds of slows.
Of course, it doesn't always work, but when it does, sapling cheese strat op. Easy level advantage too stonk.
Also, maokai can ward bot purple side ledge bush on blue side ezpz. His lane is pretty much only gankable through lane.
I should just abuse maokai support in ranked. He can duel adc in early to early-mid game because q is awesome base scaling and w might as well be called trolling advance cause dat invuln too powerful.