sorry for being invading.
Well i think my opinion may be usefull.
Rutten, you have a great sense of arguing, and thats pretty good, but you have to control that snd let some stuff pass, like in this case.
I think you are spending too much time with this, and I think a "bad relationship" is starting btween you two, you know what I mean with bad relationship right?
And calling people names is not the best way to show a dissagre of your part.
You did well when you apologize.
Hkp, " who cares if your an overseer", well I think you should have avoid that.
You should be more careful in your posts, I know it didnt have the intetion Rutten thought it was, but this kind of stuff is for leaders, and you may only post your opinio, instead of say a yes or no.
I posted here to make you guys realize some of your mistakes, so...
Can we forget all of this?
Btw, Bad english I know =S