Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
Why you wish to join:i want to join because i want to show this clan that i can help,i want to fight people get know to people and because my dream is to join a clan

Now, I don't want to say your dream is shit, but that's a pretty shit dream, I reckon'.
@JIM :d:d you mean joinning clan is shit?
but now yes or no
hey just wanna say if you think my posts are low! that because i never opend the fourm when i first started playing. Now i started opening 20/7 so iam going to post alot!
posted 33 in 2 days
Last edited by scorpionma; Jun 11, 2012 at 06:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
my app
Join date: What date you signed up to the forums. This account January 2012 my old account qweasd777 august 2010

Belt: What is your current belt and/or qi? We have no belt limit, this just gives an idea of experience. Black on this 2nd Dan on other I'm ranked about 800, but on this I'm 531 atm.

References:Who do you know supports you for this entry, as in has actually spoken to you about it or invited you. No one D:

Replays/Art: Please provide so me example of your skill in either or both of these areas. I will but right now on my phone

Favourite mod: Pretty self-explanatory. Aikidobigdojo

Why you wish to join: Give us some reasons why you want to join, make an effort. I think this clan would really help me with fourm posts, plus a already like the players

Why we should let you join: What can you contribute to the clan. Money, if you need it. Ad you can see I'm broke right now but If you check my trans history I'm around 70k

Do you have access to IRC?: Y/N (You can use webchat but we really prefer you use a legit client). Yes

Past history: Any infractions/bans, past clans you have left. Yeah I've had a few infractions part clans icof, omega

Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth.

Real life Name: First name if you wish, we know a lot of each other’s names, makes things more casual. Nevin Bell

Past positions of power: Whether it be moderator on this forum or others, or clan leader/co-leader. Whatever you think fits. Eh not really

Other: Anything else you would like to include. I won't be active for a few days I'm in Germany thanks for considering -minute

Once you've submitted your application
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
Join date:Sep 22, 2011
References:none but only good guys can help me get in
Replays/Art:these links:
Favourite mod: akidio,jousting, twin swords,and many more
PS:i am not so good at judo its just the turn frames that make me wanna :@
Why you wish to join:i want to join because i want to show this clan that i can help,i want to fight people get know to people and because my dream is to join a clan
Why we should let you join:cause i am pro and i would help very much if you entered me
Do you have access to IRC?: Y
Past history:nope no bans or infractions
Real life Name:Hamza
Past positions of power:none
sorry 4 bad application

master of the universe
Originally Posted by Minute View Post
Join date: What date you signed up to the forums. This account January 2012 my old account qweasd777 august 2010

Belt: What is your current belt and/or qi? We have no belt limit, this just gives an idea of experience. Black on this 2nd Dan on other I'm ranked about 800, but on this I'm 531 atm.

References:Who do you know supports you for this entry, as in has actually spoken to you about it or invited you. No one D:

Replays/Art: Please provide so me example of your skill in either or both of these areas. I will but right now on my phone

Favourite mod: Pretty self-explanatory. Aikidobigdojo

Why you wish to join: Give us some reasons why you want to join, make an effort. I think this clan would really help me with fourm posts, (1)plus a already like the players

Why we should let you join: What can you contribute to the clan. (2)Money, if you need it. Ad you can see I'm broke right now but If you check my trans history I'm around 70k

Do you have access to IRC?: Y/N (You can use webchat but we really prefer you use a legit client). Yes

Past history: Any infractions/bans, past clans you have left. Yeah I've had a few infractions part clans icof, omega

Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth.

Real life Name: First name if you wish, we know a lot of each other’s names, makes things more casual. Nevin Bell

Past positions of power: Whether it be moderator on this forum or others, or clan leader/co-leader. Whatever you think fits. Eh not really

Other: Anything else you would like to include. I won't be active for a few days I'm in Germany thanks for considering -minute

(3)Once you've submitted your application

(1) That doesn't make sense...
(2) You can't buy us out
(3) What?

It looks like you didn't spend that much time on this application. I say no, for lack of effort
thats ok there is more members ill wait for my vote
so i just got Akmal,jim.Virtue vote .
come on the clan is so big, vote i dont care yes or no just vote cause iam waiting
Last edited by scorpionma; Jun 12, 2012 at 12:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
come on the clan is so big, vote i dont care yes or no just vote cause iam waiting

Look for my application. And i'm still waiting.
Get a coffee, or a beer, this is gonna be long.
It's been pretty long... How are all of you? Meet me ingame.
but they got all these
Charp (lsl)
omg page 154 lol
ill wait then ill wait 8 weeks
Last edited by scorpionma; Jun 12, 2012 at 01:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban