Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
How old are you guys?
(18 as of 3 weeks ago here)

I am 65 years old and have a weak bladder.
Get in-game =)
Going on 25 in a couple of months, guess i should start acting like an adult instead of completely wasting all my time.

in game i shall go, very soon. Im on IRC just now, so if you cant find me in game just hit me up there.
Last edited by FinalWish; Jun 1, 2012 at 07:34 AM.
Originally Posted by WuTangLee View Post
sixteen bitches

Ah 16.
The last year you have before everything goes to shit.
Party hard.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Ah 16.
The last year you have before everything goes to shit.
Party hard.

I object to that on general principle, even if its not entirely untrue.
Originally Posted by FinalWish View Post
I object to that on general principle, even if its not entirely untrue.

I think I was slightly over-dramatic but you get what i'm sayin', yo.
Originally Posted by Xenofire View Post
What if Castra died? Is that why he's not coming online?
R.I.P Tom STDley

I always secretly wonder whether users who have suddenly went inactive have died.