Name (Real name): Aubrey
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Gmt: -4
Belt: 3rd Dan
Why do you want to join: surge is bae
Past Clans: im, free, spec, AS, prolly more idek
Why did you leave your past clan?: surge peer pressured me
What can you offer? : war help and lit /tts'
Infraction/ban history (please be honest): when I was 14 I posted a stupid post and got infracted and I think I got infracted for "slurs" (Sporky eats dicc)
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: Uncle Jack better have a good reason for being stuck but yes.
Invited by some one?: surge said apply?
Special Skills?: Ask me to lick peanut butter off of something. I also play violin, guitar, bass, piano, drums, mandolin, and the skin flute.
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: ^
Playercard: No thanks
Sp/mp replays: Multiplayer is my fav'
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?: Hampa is my lorde but hipotibor can be my savior.