He is totally not the easiest champ.
You need very good timing.
If you don't have any runes for Tryndamere, you'll sck playing him.
Too bad didn't screenshot my last game.
The other team was like, man, whoa!!! Tryndamere pro.
-No, he sucks, he kills everybody with no effort... not pro at all...
-Woop, Trynda pentakill?! Shiiiit!
-Omg, our trynda scks. look at yours, 10/0/5 -.- (their trynda was 0/16/1)
My team was all like
-Thanks Trynda!
-Whoa, gj trynda!
-Omg, wow, he ran away from 5 people ganking him... how did he just do that?
Sigh, even though 3 of them were stunners, and all were ranged chars.
I realise that it's glass cannon, but it's still a bit silly. :3
ANYWAY, Yi backdooring is the most irritating ever.
He is totally not the easiest champ.
You need very good timing.
If you don't have any runes for Tryndamere, you'll sck playing him.
Too bad didn't screenshot my last game.
The other team was like, man, whoa!!! Tryndamere pro.
-No, he sucks, he kills everybody with no effort... not pro at all...
-Woop, Trynda pentakill?! Shiiiit!
-Omg, our trynda scks. look at yours, 10/0/5 -.- (their trynda was 0/16/1)
My team was all like
-Thanks Trynda!
-Whoa, gj trynda!
-Omg, wow, he ran away from 5 people ganking him... how did he just do that?
Sigh, even though 3 of them were stunners, and all were ranged chars.