I refuse to play recently released within the first 3 or so days on principle that I hate the instalock fights that occur.
That being said, having laned against him, the boomerang is glitchy and he's easy to punish if you have a gap closer and easy cc. Played ap bruiser naut against him, and I was chunking him more than half his health pre 6, constant all in threat post 6.
Trinity force looks like the best first buy on him, though all the idiots are still rushing botrk on him. Nice attack speed, it'll be a shame if I just gave no fucks and closed the gap so you can't abuse hyper. And his transforming is irritating because it's basically a free heal. Since it's a resourceless, periodic transform pre-6, he basically heals 100-200 health every transformation because health gains in transformations don't function % wise (e.x. if you have 25% health and then transform to gain 100 health, when you transform back that 100 is still tacked on, so it's basically now 25% health + 100, compared to a more balanced way for a free transform of take % of pre-transform hp, and make post-transform hp the same % at that states max hp).
And he's a ball of numbers that are oppressive as hell. 75% bonus ms on hyper at 16? Get the fuck out of here. Huge ad ratios on a low cd, somewhat fast, ccing skill shot? Get. The. Fuck. Out. % max hp magic damage on 3 spells/attacks for a physical damage champ. Fuck it, can't properly itemize.
He's going to be like Yasuo, where rito underestimates how easy it is to play a champ and overshoots the numbers because of it.