I like how when Oracle points out the opposing teams experience and actions against the champion pick Toon still goes ahead and misses the point and basically says "Doesn't matter who plays against Teemo, Teemo is the almighty God champion that can win a game regardless of the enemy pick/player skill".

Seriously man, you make yourself look stupider every time you post something like that here.

Anywho; Any thoughts on Lulu? I bought her as a supp but I've found that playing her mid is quite fun and playing her top can be so fun if you go for on hit items like Wits and Nashors, however no matter how you play Lulu it seems to be that you have to support your teammates to be useful, you can't really go on some form of killing spree unless you snowball a lil. Whoopsie. Random buy OP ^^
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Then you have not seen a decent or good teemo thus all teemo's you be playing with or against suck. Simple as that.

What oracle said summarizes what a teemo's best game is like. That's how teemo is, it doesn't have to do not seeing a good teemo.

If you do a great job as a teemo, better than what you read earlier, then the enemy team didn't do much to stop you.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Then you have not seen a decent or good teemo thus all teemo's you be playing with or against suck. Simple as that.

2 current 1 with pentakill yorick is silver 3 last season unranked this season.
Other is below.

P.S. I do not get on the Destiny Foxy 1 no more Because I let my friend use it now.

says the bronze to the gold xdddddddd

oh and i'm sure about the smurf accounts god bless "stuck in bronze bc i troll my teammates"
Teemo is Satan incarnate, simple as that. He haunts all your dreams, all you nightmares, he doesn't stop unless you submit to his almighty shrooms. You think you're safe, next thing you know, he's shooting venom into your body like some sort of furry snake creature thing with appendages. Fuck that guy.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
The bitch can fill any role but adc. She's tanky, has a lot of utility, and deals a lot of damage. Fuck Lulu.

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch using Tapatalk 2
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Let me tell my high plat/low diamond opinion about Teemo.

He's a lane bully and a good teemo will NEVER lose against melee champion. Yes, it's true that you'll fall off late game with teemo no matter what, but if you've done everything correctly, so will your opponent in top lane. You will still have more farm/kills etc, thus you will be more useful for your team. If played correctly, teemo can be devastating. I'm pretty sure he's pretty effective on low divisions, like silver-low gold. Either way, any smart jungler would anally rape teemo so hard pre-six that he couldn't stand on his satanic feet for the next three months.

tl;dr, teemo is shit unless played correctly in low elo.

Can I ask you to fill this? I'm doing some research. Just state your opinion. That's my list below.

Most op champion at the moment for each role?(I can't pick one because I'm retarded, pick one if you can)

Top: No idea, don't really play top. But I'd say Maokai or Kayle.
Jungle: Pantheon, Udyr. Kha'zix against squishy team comps.
Mid: Yasuo, Orianna, Ahri.
Support: Morgana, Braum.
Adc: Vayne, Tristana.
Last edited by Kristis133; Aug 17, 2014 at 08:51 PM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Top: Tryndamere, Riven, Aatrox
Jg: Udyr, Vi
Mid: Talon, Oriana, Ahri, Katarina
Support: Braum, Morgana
ADC: Vayne, Lucian, Jinx

I haven't played in the new patch and I'm in Silver so...yeah.

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch using Tapatalk 2
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
says the bronze/silver to Oracle (who's like, gold+ i cant remmeber but i think it's gold, correct me if i'm wrong Ora)

seriously, i'm A: Silver.
B: Play in OCE because yolo low ping i likey (obviously right when it came out so end of season 3 basically) and
C: even i know that teemo falls off, and i mained that little bastard as either AP top, AP bruiser top. or ADC... for season F'ing 2 and partway through S f'ing 3.

so honestly toon, shut the hell up unless you know the ACTUAL FACTS ABOUT HOW A CHAMP GOES THROUGH A WHOLE F'ING GAME.

(also ADC Teemo is god damn hilarious (or it was when it was actually viable for the rodent :P))

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I like how when Oracle points out the opposing teams experience and actions against the champion pick Toon still goes ahead and misses the point and basically says "Doesn't matter who plays against Teemo, Teemo is the almighty God champion that can win a game regardless of the enemy pick/player skill".

Seriously man, you make yourself look stupider every time you post something like that here.

Anywho; Any thoughts on Lulu? I bought her as a supp but I've found that playing her mid is quite fun and playing her top can be so fun if you go for on hit items like Wits and Nashors, however no matter how you play Lulu it seems to be that you have to support your teammates to be useful, you can't really go on some form of killing spree unless you snowball a lil. Whoopsie. Random buy OP ^^

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
What oracle said summarizes what a teemo's best game is like. That's how teemo is, it doesn't have to do not seeing a good teemo.

If you do a great job as a teemo, better than what you read earlier, then the enemy team didn't do much to stop you.

Originally Posted by Faint View Post
says the bronze to the gold xdddddddd

oh and i'm sure about the smurf accounts god bless "stuck in bronze bc i troll my teammates"

Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Let me tell my high plat/low diamond opinion about Teemo.

He's a lane bully and a good teemo will NEVER lose against melee champion. Yes, it's true that you'll fall off late game with teemo no matter what, but if you've done everything correctly, so will your opponent in top lane. You will still have more farm/kills etc, thus you will be more useful for your team. If played correctly, teemo can be devastating. I'm pretty sure he's pretty effective on low divisions, like silver-low gold. Either way, any smart jungler would anally rape teemo so hard pre-six that he couldn't stand on his satanic feet for the next three months.

tl;dr, teemo is shit unless played correctly in low elo.

Can I ask you to fill this? I'm doing some research. Just state your opinion. That's my list below.

Most op champion at the moment for each role?(I can't pick one because I'm retarded, pick one if you can)

Top: No idea, don't really play top. But I'd say Maokai or Kayle.
Jungle: Pantheon, Udyr. Kha'zix against squishy team comps.
Mid: Yasuo, Orianna, Ahri.
Support: Morgana, Braum.
Adc: Vayne, Tristana.

EJM Moderated Message:
To make things more appropriate, and while waiting for proper action(s) to be made, I replaced name insults with "cupcakes", verbs with "cuddle" and adjectives/other insults with "candy".
Grammar mistakes will still be shown I'm afraid.

Basicly showed me you did not check both links I gave you.
You are all just sad, You like to talk candy on me because you know I am right,
Wanna be useful? then stop being cupcakes who talk candy to cuddle people off.
Idgf if the staff see this and infracs me because the fact that you cupcakes can talk down to me like you do and never played with me is a reason why you should be infracted to. Now deal with the candy fact that unless you are gold+ in NA server you do not have right to talk candy.
Cause NA server is actually the hardest to play ranked in OCE EU and all that cupcakes is nothing cause those who play in the LCS are mains in candy NA server. Damn cupcakes.
Last edited by EJM; Sep 24, 2014 at 02:28 PM.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Basicly showed me you did not check both links I gave you.
You are all just sad, You like to talk chocolate on me because you know I am right,
Wanna be useful? then stop being cupcakes who talk chocolate to cuddle people off.
Idgf if the staff see this and infracs me because the fact that you cupcakes can talk down to me like you do and never played with me is a reason why you should be infracted to. Now deal with the chocolate fact that unless you are gold+ in NA server you do not have right to talk chocolate.
Cause NA server is actually the hardest to play ranked in OCE EU and all that cupcakes is nothing cause those who play in the LCS are mains in chocolate NA server. Damn cupcakes.

Okay, I don't even know from where should I begin.

First of all, I've just reported you, because you called me a -censored- even if I didn't see your post and I wasn't answering you, I just noticed a discussion about Teemo and stated my opinion. Then I get quoted and insulted by some arrogant prick, seriously? How freaking stupid are you? Grow up.

Secondly, I am almost Diamond in EUNE and the part where you said that NA is the hardest region to play ranked in was so -censored- that it made me laugh.

Thirdly, I don't really know what you said and I won't bother going a page or two back to see it, but I can assure you without seeing that post, that it's utter -censored-.


EJM Moderated Message:
Yo, keep it clean, no need to try and ignite an existing flame.
Last edited by Kristis133; Aug 17, 2014 at 10:39 PM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.