Originally Posted by
I don't like that style for a clan vid, sorry. We need songs with bass in it, for the DM's and stuff :P
k don't worry,I'll suggest this song for other types,but don't take a slow music,I like electro or tecno in tb vids because with those you can accellerate/decellerate the vid.but pls don't use rewind,I hate it,and I suggest to use the screen shake effect,if possible with the song,only when the character do powerful blows,like in the kingkai's replay,not the decap but the split was powerful.
then post first a test vid(a demo) on this forum so we can say what's good and what's wrong,if you want
Originally Posted by
Kingdrake:Awesome replays, i love them :P I made an edit to Inside uke to get a decap-punch
thx,but I have a similiar punch decap,but I have to shoose only 5 of my best replays,so I think that I'll use it for another thing