Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by dillon207 View Post
Post here all u wnt man . u dnt have to use invade cause your an ex member

Originally Posted by Mars View Post
yo marc, how things been broski?

Its been good. But right now i have a headache. So anyways, hows everything with you guys?
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Sigh, got mai weezdoom teef pullt yesturdaeh mawrnin.
shit sucks yo.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
had mine pulled

feels like shits in your mouth

cant use a straw

would suck ass for a germaphobic
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Your wisdom teeth are pretty fukken big, so when they take them out they leave a huge hole at the back of your mouth. That hole can't just stay there, so what they want to happen is for blood clots to fill the holes in. But if you create too much suction on them, like by sucking with a straw, they might come dislodged and the holes will be back; only this time it's not really bleeding since the flesh is healing so it just leaves a massive cavity straight to your roots basically.

I forgot to mention that the holes become very easily infected with bacteria, the same ones that give you cavities, and that can cause a lot of problems in your roots and jaw
My shop
Originally Posted by Parker1287 View Post
Your wisdom teeth are pretty fukken big, so when they take them out they leave a huge hole at the back of your mouth. That hole can't just stay there, so what they want to happen is for blood clots to fill the holes in. But if you create too much suction on them, like by sucking with a straw, they might come dislodged and the holes will be back; only this time it's not really bleeding since the flesh is healing so it just leaves a massive cavity straight to your roots basically.

I forgot to mention that the holes become very easily infected with bacteria, the same ones that give you cavities, and that can cause a lot of problems in your roots and jaw

What are you a dentist? lmao
Rogue clown