Note: I was recommended by Ern
Age: 17
Nationality: Hispanic
Belt: Orange, my brother lemon showed me how to make replays and play in-game and sense then I have practiced a lot and have gotten really good (In my opinion).
Preferred Mods: Tk and aikido.
Old Clans: I applied for [T] but I am sure I got rejected.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join this clan because the members in this clan are hard working and know what they are doing as a clan. I see this one as being the most talented clan as far as in-game and replays.
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?: I am a learner of replay making and am skilled at it from an early start. So I think if given the chance I could preform at your standards really soon.
Other Qualities:
You will need to include 3-5 replays. ( SP prefered, Examples below )
We do not accept replays made on previous accounts, if you've made a new account make new replays.
Replay form: YourName - ReplayName.rpl
Draw a Lemon: Awesome, I love lemons
Preferred mods:Aikido BD,Aikido;Judo and Parkour
Old clans:No one
Why do you want to join:I wanna joing because i see some of you guys and u are great
ad i wanna be like you =D
What kind of skills you bring to Urban?:Aikido,Wushu,Judo,Running