Originally Posted by
dag shut the fuck up no one wants to here your spam rant over and over again
"spam rant". Not sure if you noticed, but i havent ranted. All i did was make sure people knew how to avoid spamming, and i pointed out when people either spammed or got close to spamming so as to warn them to keep them from doing it again. In your case, i suppose it never helped.
But that brings up the question to poppo and ulti, am i doing a good job trying to help out with spam or should i just stop?
Also, so far pretty much the same members are being consitently active from what ive seen. So far the people that have met the deadline are: bruce, me, austin, poppo(WHOO HE IS BACK. Yay.), mj, chunkz, mrmadpanda(i cant find a suitable shortened version of his name), ulti, kaya, and tell me if ive forgotten anyone.
Kaya, i cant use excel. I dont have office. Well i do, but its on my extremely old laptop. And its office 2002. And slow.
EDIT: New things for official. We become cool. We lose our dash before our clan tag. We get multiple forums(go check out the forums that official clans have, its amazing) instead of just one thread and an applications thread. Not sure what else happens.