I say hang around a bit then, so we all get to know you...
my middlename are actually Johan but that has so very very little to do whit this, lol
Last edited by hazelbud; Jun 17, 2011 at 05:42 PM. Reason: word added
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Your name: amber slovowski
Age: 15
Belt: brown but i played on several other accounts and all those accounts are all brown belts so if i had only one acc i would be 2nd dan or higher
Rank: 841
How many hours a day you play: 6-8
Past Clans: none
Best Mod: akindo, but im also very good at freerunning, sparring
Ban/infraction history: none
Anything you can contribute to the clan : textures, fighting, feerunning, laughs, items and tc
Active ingame/forums/IRC: i dont know what this is but if someone could tell me what it is i will be sure to fill it out.
Why do you want do Join?: i wanted to join because my close friend hazelbud invited me to join and it seemed like he was having an overwelmingly good experience with your clan and i thought it would be a good experience for me and my skill level.
Replays you have made :
User Card:i dont know what this is eather but if you tell me i will fill it out.
other things about me: i live in russia. i like to talk alot. hazelbud invited me. i like to vs. pros because im as good as them and its good experience. anything else just ask.

Thank you for your time.
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Norėčiau lyties attila. Gresiantis sunaikinimas iš mūsų
Eh.. I want to say no.. But Hazel invited you so idk..
so how many yeses do i have to get or is it a sertian ammount of time
Norėčiau lyties attila. Gresiantis sunaikinimas iš mūsų
lol We definitely need some activity around here so we better just let G1RL in.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.