Your name: amber slovowski Age: 15 Belt: brown but i played on several other accounts and all those accounts are all brown belts so if i had only one acc i would be 2nd dan or higher Rank: 841 How many hours a day you play: 6-8 Past Clans: none Best Mod: akindo, but im also very good at freerunning, sparring Ban/infraction history: none Anything you can contribute to the clan : textures, fighting, feerunning, laughs, items and tc Active ingame/forums/IRC: i dont know what this is but if someone could tell me what it is i will be sure to fill it out. Why do you want do Join?: i wanted to join because my close friend hazelbud invited me to join and it seemed like he was having an overwelmingly good experience with your clan and i thought it would be a good experience for me and my skill level. Replays you have made : User Card:i dont know what this is eather but if you tell me i will fill it out. other things about me: i live in russia. i like to talk alot. hazelbud invited me. i like to vs. pros because im as good as them and its good experience. anything else just ask.
Thank you for your time.
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