hey guys um im sorry for not posting for the past couple of days my internet was down but its back up and CHEESE BURGERS ARE THE BEST THINGS YOUVE EVER EATED :]
Say Hello to the Cuddle Bunnies
Sorry, I would, but my tb is still down. Going to get my computer checked out tomorrow.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Woah, awesome! I would get you a present, but I only have like 100 tc.
League of Legends NA: Locus
@iE I gotta give you a present!

@Slybash Stupid fuck. Get off of out DSC, reported btw.


Good work on keeping busy, clan. My internet was raped for the whole day, so I couldn't post. But I did now, yay.

@Digits2010 Don't mind that Slybash guy. Oh, and thanks for posting. . I'll keep that in mind when talking to the Envelope.