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ummm invulnerability is only op when it includes an incredible amount of mobility at the same time. fizz is literally one of the only champs i consider not to be balanced
you can bait out kayle and trynd ults but on fizz it's a 4 sec cd late game and one of the largest gap closers
p.s. if youve ever seen high dia/ challenger/ master rank play fizz youd know why (obviously an extreme as no one in your elo would play that well)
i disagree
if fizz was so unbalanced as you say he is, he would have a far higher ban rate and pick rate in worlds. 11 bans and 11 picks out of the entire championship so far, the most bans going towards alistar with 61 and the most picks going towards kha'zix with 50. the most popular mid laners in worlds are ori and zed.
anyway, that's worlds
in soloq, i also disagree. fizz is one of those champions that, if beaten in lane, doesn't really succumb to too much in the late game (fizz does literally nothing in lane until 6, which you should have already harassed him enough that you're either first to 6 or ahead when you both hit 6). if he gets strong early, i'd say he can easily do tons of damage and possibly carry if it comes to that point. now, fizz has an all-in that will only usually kill 1 person, and then he has to wait 4 or 5 seconds before he can initiate someone else. the reason his kit is strong is because his ult grants a slow (i think) and he can burst someone down respectively very fast if ahead and the person he is killing has no mr or hp or zhonya or flash or heal etc etc, qss or cleanse too if it comes to it. if the person who gets ulted is smart, they'll position their champion close enough to their team as to where the ult won't hit anyone but they won't be able to be completely caught out. that being said, that person can also use zhonyas, flash (dodging the ult or just the inc damage after or to position away from teammates), heal, etc. i'd say that if fizz all-ins someone who has half a brain, they can either make it out alive or die taking fizz with them. if fizz is strong enough to kill you, he probably is squishy enough to get raped by your team after he jumps on you
tl;dr fizz isn't broken or unbalanced he's like leblanc with no getaway after going ham
Last edited by Faint; Oct 9, 2014 at 05:29 AM.