OK OK OK STOP!!! The characters of good are FULL!!! Peach, Grayve, Grant, Azhiro, Drenss, Tyler, Jay and I'll check the others later. Yes, I need villains also. I only have one until now. Dark Flame. Villains don't need to be kids! Other thing, here's how the story is going:
Some one with a black hood was watching the city (Which I need a name...) from a old building. This one have visions... The city is in risk, as all the world is... (Appears the hooded guy vision [City's on fire and everything is destroyed... The KidHeroes were defeated. Some losten soul scream while all the demons take care of the city. (Losten soul is peach)]. The black hooded guy, jumps from the building and desapear in the air.
Zwack and Charger were walking in the forest, when Zwack started feeling strange. Charger went to see what was going on, and he saw that Zwack eyes were on fire. Then Zwack started getting cover by the flames, and Charger afraid started to run as soon that he realized that the flame thing wasn't his friend anymore. The forest was now on fire. (They didn't know about their powers yet...)
I'll keep later.. Comment...