Where do you have the replays ?? Do you upload it somewhere ??
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie
Write me on skype when you are playing pls !!! All members of our clan ... my skype: vogr96
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie
Not too much time organizing stuff for you guys. And I don't think I'm going to have any. Bumfluff seems missing aswell. I'll try to come up with something...
We could always have an 'Who owns the most in What' competition and have everybody give replays of their best multiplayer kills in certain mods.
Romanovsky: I win in judo, but i have sucky replays ...
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie
Hmm, I'd like to suggest a program called xfire, it's free, it was made for gamers, and it's easy to learn and use, so when people come on, we can coordinate things easier.

my xfire = vladimirromanovsky
Hi !! Today is Christmas day in my country ;) So I want to wish merry Christmas and happy new year !!
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie