my worst virus was mirar.
the most annoying shit of my life.
you have to do like 500 things to get rid of it, and even then it doesnt fully get removed
i still have the add/remove thing in my control panel for mirar, it blocked itself so it couldnt get removed
idk if it was at my mum or something like that it was on our old computer it was a BANK virus that if we would enter our BANK password at the page we would loose all our money the whole time and we never would get our BANK back :l
i used to download like everything but after a while my computer kinda just went.
when i started it all that appeared was a blank blue screen and anti virus software just wasnt working. it ran so slow that it took half an hour to load up google. i only got rid of it by using a programme that deletes all files that were not on your computer when you got it. i was so pissed off cos id lost everything
[Pure], wanna join?
The worst virsu i ever had was when i was at a friend with my pc to do a lan party,
we foudn a secondary hard disk anywhere in hsi room. He didn't knew what was on it so we decided to put it ta my pc.

As we done that, suddenly my pc shut down, as i restarted it, all my desktop icons were youporn links or pictures. It even delete the task manager.

After 1 hour or something my pc shut down again. Then i couldn't start windows anymore.

I had to reset it
My worst was having 941 hacking trojans.
All cleared.
Custombelt | I'm back after 5 years! ;)


PM me if your selling items, buying anything and everything!
LOL I have that saved under my faveorites becuase it is funny... I use the ALBINOBLACKSHEEP version aka the NONdangerous one... I once got my friends to go to it basicly kills your computer. The worst virus I have ever had was one that had a undeleteable popup and said "Now downloading viruses... Please wait!" and had a statues bar... even told me what it was downloading when i clicked details. i got rid of it al with Advanced System Care from iobit. the funniest and more badly made one i have ever seen was one that installed itself on your ps then says that it is a virus and asks if you want to delete it... if you say yes it deletes itself LOL
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.