Awsome! cool = so now we got 40k? Right? - If wrong corroct me. Also I found a player "Jekis" He is great at judo - trying to recruit him now!
Sorry for doublepost but I wanted this to be our TAG ( I mean dont erite add this pic)

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href=''><img src='' border='0'/></a>

there all codes...Sorry again for double post!
ya cobras write we must stick with black belt because they will say we have higher belt and cannot join but i dont know you leaders decide i just gave you an advise
Kooky no i won 17k to 20k from betting xD i betted 7k and got 3k
btw there was in the room an auction if you decap someone there in aikido you get void blood non qi transfer but then i pinged :l oh and void primary if you rip someones arm off but i pinged xD

btw how about make the background transparently from the tag?
CLAN WAR VS DarkFighter

You decide!
The Prize (from our clanbank there are 20,000 tc)
What mods
(Judo/Wushu/Aikido/Taekkyon (Choose 2 mods))
When? Sunday at 15:00 o'clock in germany thats gmt +1
Where? /jo DCW
How much can we win? Every clan bets about 10k if we win we get 10k back and the 10k from the clan (its just example maybe we get more)
What teams!
You decide:
one team is for judo/wushu/taekkyon
one team for the other mod from the 2 mods we decided.

Wish you good luck and please answer!

Judo: 3
Aikido: 5

Wushu: 1
Taekkyon: 1

Btw i am for judo and aikido

Last edited by Cobra; Mar 27, 2010 at 12:00 AM.