Hello sir. Some of you might know/remember me. If not, I would just like to state that my name is Riddh, I am 16 years of age, and I am currently living in the country of Thailand. My main reason for applying would be the fact that this clan is the most active unofficial clani've ever seen, a raku member is ALWAYS online, you guys are rich and skilled so yall would support me very well, nice community and reputation, Nice leadership(starting pages) and of course that horse above me. I enjoy playing Toribash quite a lot, and I am very active on the forums. I usually try to hop on it during school as well ;)
I like going on 9gag, playing football and reading in my free time. I am also learning integrated technology as well as all the other subjects. Even though english is my 3rd language, I believe I have perfected it pretty nicely. In real life, I love socializing and playing with others, so why not an online group of friends ey? This to me is the most friendly clan in all of toribash, and I also like the fact that it's 100% international.
I hope you enjoyed this application.
Hello sir. Some of you might know/remember me. If not, I would just like to state that my name is Riddh, I am 16 years of age, and I am currently living in the country of Thailand. My main reason for applying would be the fact that this clan is the most active unofficial clan i've ever seen, a raku member is ALWAYS online, you guys are rich and skilled so yall would support me very well, nice community and reputation, Nice leadership(starting pages) and of course that horse above me. I enjoy playing Toribash quite a lot, and I am very active on the forums. I usually try to hop on it during school as well ;)
I like going on 9gag, playing football and reading in my free time. I am also learning integrated technology as well as all the other subjects. Even though english is my 3rd language, I believe I have perfected it pretty nicely. In real life, I love socializing and playing with others, so why not an online group of friends ey? This to me is the most friendly clan in all of toribash, and I also like the fact that it's 100% international.
I hope you enjoyed this application.