Man things i wanna say:
Immature: yes i know but HUNG seems a chance to imrpove dis
Hunters: I'm at this clan cuz a guy invited me, i thought it was fightin clan but is actually posting clan, im about to leave it, i only founded 3 members fitin, and is rare to find
Interest: what do u mean with no interest? do u wanna me to spam this entire forum with askings?
Man, the only clans that i know as "wushuers" are HUNG and Alpha, Alpha i dont have interest now (dunno if later), and HUNG is a "family" and i like this idea.
(Hey some of u wont understand this, is called portuguese) e tambem eh uma chance de entrar no clan algumas pesseoas q falam portugues, falo de Uzaghi, Swooya e Rafatorii >>>(xegado meu)