Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Ciulerson, you got 3rd dan :o? Congrats mate

... I cri.
I got 3rd dan you bastard.
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
T4T could be the one.. only a few old monks are known ;)

@all: You guys doing great! I'm really happy that we finally have a own board! Now we can create a own clan system and reach new limits ;) all together!
I pls you all to check [Monk] Teams .. choose a team you fit in and get the chance to be greatful if you have any suggestions about that, pls tell me. We can build new parts of The Monastery daily.

An old Tradition is the kickin'week!
don't worry.. its not just about kicking novices who aren't active.
In the main thing we do rankings due this week.

Get ready for 2k15

PS: Also check [Monk] Squads if you didn't already.
I really like this longtime event.. also here we are open minded for suggestions. But we start the first season with the current rules and settings.
I got some ideas for threads I like to make and I would like to hear your opinions about these ideas.
One is to create a thread for the hall of fame, where the best behaving and most active member gets put up there.
I will try my best to keep that thread up and running. Everyone can vote but you cannot for for yourself (for obvious reasons).
This could be a great way to boost activity and to reward good clan behavior.

Also I would like to take over the tutorial thread. I know mamafeeds did his best to make this thread but I feel like I would be more fitted to do this.
This way it would be easier as well to sort out the tutorials that belong in this thread.
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Jan 17, 2015 at 01:53 AM.

i am a bird now - Lil B