Hi Monastery , My Name is Moataz Mohamed And i Came here to apply for the Monastery .i'am a Nice player but sometimes my adrenaline makes me become like a kid but i will try to fix that(P.s:iam not a kid all the time its a problem iam trying to solve and i didn't meant i'am immature all the time so please don't think I'am hazardous Like them , thanks for reading. ) .The mods that i Play: ABD , aikido, greykido ,boxshu(a little) but in summer i will try to learn how to play another mods.i live in Egypt (which means iam arabian)so i don't know everything in English Except few things so forgive me for my grammar mistakes.My activity is low because I've got Exams next week so wish me luck but iam active all the time in summer , that's it for The Introduction so lets go to the other part of the app.
What Make's Me a Monk ? well this is a Great Question to ask,the monk consists of the following : respectful , competitive , active , creator . let me explain , Respectful:means that he Respects his other Clan mates or other players inside the community or inside the game, Competitive : means that he can fight wars with his friends daily or at least fighting every 2 day , active : means that he is active in-game or in-forums , creator : means that the monk creates mods , Events , replays and show it to his clan mates . that's how i can answer that question .
Another question, What i Can add to this clan ? maybe i Can be part of the HeT because I've got lots of Event idea's for the clan and the community, I Can help you in Wars of course when i finish my Exams ,And of course i will help you in other things you want me to do.
Lets talk about my Clan History . my first clan was (ElectriC) ,Actually i made that clan but it went inactive so fast and yea its dead now, my second one was (Bomb) but I've got kicked after two weeks for some problem , the third one was (Vibe) and got kicked too for my post quality which made the clan not official but seriously its not my fault because I'am still learning English , and lastly (tau) and the reason is that i have left the clan because i see that I can't fit in it . that's my clan history .
My replays will be in the attachments , I'am gonna show you two replays because the other one's I can't find them , and My GMT is +2.00 .
Thanks for reading my app and hope i get accepted soon.
Last edited by Moataz; May 9, 2015 at 10:21 AM.