The first stage presentation, The Runners Collapse :
Vote presentation :
The second stage presentation, The Amazon Forest :
The Amazon Forest is now completed. There is the 3rd Challenge : The Sand Village !
Lost in the middle of the desert, our challengers have now to pass the deadly village !
The Sand Village Presentation
Finally, the 3rd mod !
The Sand Village !
Bonus points :
Touch wood structures (basically all brown parts) ONLY with feet : 20 BP
Stand on the balancing stuff : 10 BP (it is a wood structure !)
Jumping over the blade with a front flip : 10 BP
Using all wood pads : 20 BP
Finish by sitting on the chair : 10 BP
Dead line :
01/02/16 (yeah, you have more than one month, just because I won't be able to andle the event sooner)
/!\ Could everyone check the scores in the first post to see if everything is ok please ?
We had 5 Anonymous Judges, only 3 did survive (well, 2 and a half...). So, I have results from two judges and the 3 first votes from a third. To you remember, each judges had to make their "Top 5 favorite replays". The first replay of each list gain 5 points, the second of each list gain 4 points, etc.
The Final results for the second stage (I am working on the video) :
(The numbers between the ( ) are the votes + judges points)
The Ninja Warrior Team : Trichard : Mod Maker, Creator of dreamfull environments
Thiggist : Commentator, owner of a radiophonic voice
Toriito : "Ninja Warrior 2" 3D Introduction
Jisse : Mods and replays modification (to make the ghost thing possible), good at bj
Swexx : Replay maker, special - Fuck noo that ninja will make ma win too much harder - boss
Oblivion : Thanks for your support
Flash : Thanks for your interest, future special boss
Two steps at all, on the same boulder or separate boulders, but you have to not touch the ground during the steps. I want true steps, not something like "I touch it with my foot" ;)
Two steps at all, on the same boulder or separate boulders, but you have to not touch the ground during the steps. I want true steps, not something like "I touch it with my foot" ;)
Oh ? With wich part of your body did you touched it when it activated ?
As you know, I want to improve the votes system. The condition is making a public vote system, open to everyone but a fair one. This is the challenge for me in the season 2.
I am making an anonymous judges team, 5 people. Actually I suggest that they are able to make a top 3 giving points (read the first post about this). I am wondering how many points to avoid making a too big difference of points because of that and in the same way, giving to these judges enough power to make a good replay get good points, even of the public votes. So I was thinking to give points in front of public votes, like a ratio, but I don't know how really.
I will change the names in each replays and put a number for them to limitate the "friend votes".
I am searching for a better poll website, more sure, or a similar system that could improve the actual one.
Is the grab activating the trigger ?
Could you give me your opinion on this please ?
Judges Team :
I need 5 judges. Each judges will vote for 3 replays, giving 20 points to the 1st, 15 to the 2nd and 10 to the 3rd (Tell me if it sounds good for you in front of the number of votes).
An other idea is giving points in front of public votes to avoid too much difference of points and keep the competition living.
Something like this :
100 - "Votes score"/2 = "Judges score"
"Votes score" + "Judges score"
Is that kind of way sounds good ? Tell me what you think about it.
If you want to apply to become a judge :
- Send me a PM
- If I don't know you and your ingame skills, tell me why I should take your instead of an other judge.
- You can't apply for judging if you are participating in the Ninja Warrior.
Every people who fit for it will be warned anonymously (is that word exist ?) through a PM. Don't hesitate to talk about the Judges Team to people that you think they could fit.
Last edited by Mocucha; Jun 1, 2015 at 11:57 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump