Well, hey I'm a freshman in high school, I'm a pretty average player but I get a little bit competitive. I mainly prefer people refer to me by my username because I cannot stand my actual name.

I spend my time gaming,writing and during the summer, training.

I'm entirely open to anime and do watch some from time to time, but I struggle with finding anything at retains my attention enough to deter me from writing... (Im such a nerd)

Although I have a little bit too much time on my hands since I've been cut from the basketball team T_T

I'm of course very familiar with the word 'senpai' not so much of the clan though. I am very familiar with ConCon however.

This clan sounds really interesting, hope I can get to join. If not, live long and prosper!
I play vidya gems and am good at csgo and a scrub at toribash but meh.
I want to be noticed by senpai.
I like anime (norigame was interesting but I haven't finished it yet), toribash, games.
Games. A whole load of games is what I do in my past time. I also do some real life things but meh.
@Scareclown - lets give ya a shot, sorry for the delay, I work during the week

@ Burntab - Get in here dude!
Hey, my real name is Brandon Davies in link to my name iBravies. I am 16 years old and in my last year of school. I started the game yesterday, I'm sorry if it isn't long enough but it says skill isn't required just people who are striving to get better.

I really like mushu because of how easy it is to dismember the other player. I also like aikido and aikido big dojo. The reason for these is just that I have won most of the games I have played in this mod and just find it fun.

Mods I don't like is judo and judofrac. This is because I feel it is too close up and can't get the hang of it but hopefully in the future I will.

I never thought about this but an active one generally but overall one that is interesting and is going places.

I havent competed in a competitive event before as I only started yesterday as stated earlier in the application but if I could I would certainly attempt it.

From Senpai I would like to learn how to be a better player in official game mods, learn game commands, and to be good at using BB code.

I don't think I have anything to offer Senpai at this stage but eventually I could offer lots of things.

On the forum I have been on and off all day but in game I play for about 2 hours everyday and hope to keep that going.

I really want to become a forum leader which I hope I can achieve with Senpai and the members within.

I really hope this clan is for me and can help me achieve my goals aswell as me assisting in Senpai achieving it's goals.
Anime United
- 16

How long have you been playing:
- 3 years, over the span of two accounts

Best mods and why you say so:
- Rk-mma I enjoy the distance and the rules are perfect for me
- Wushu gravity settings, plus the distance as well
- Zweihander Giant swords, that is all.

Worst mods and why you say so:
- Boxshu, although it creates very varied approaches, joints are too fragile
- Aikido, I struggle with any mod that puts me close to my opponent
- Judo, same with Aikido

What type of clan do you want to be in:
- A competitive one, with a good mix of personality

Have you been in a competitive event before:
- No

Tell us your activity with regards to competing in events:
- N/A

What do you hope to learn in Senpai:
- How to capitalize my strengths as a fighter, and work on my weaknesses

What are you able to bring to Senpai:
- Texture design, my skills (pay the bills)

Tell us about your activity in forum and ingame:
- Very active in-game, in regards to forum activity Im open to spending more time there however I'm very inexperienced with some of the mechanics.

What are you going to do in Senpai:
- Be active, find a role and fulfill it

Are you sure this clan is for you:
- 101% positive