Originally Posted by KillerBotX View Post


hey do the cross platform thing and lets play on ps4 and pc !
i believe the best strategie is to go for the right pick. if you are too far simply dont engage, you will lose advantage instanly. also you always need to have the high ground, it is a tremendous advantage that nobody use really. also i believe just hiding the whole game simply to have a win in your stats isn't how it should be played, yes it takes skills to know when and where to move to stay hidden but whats the fun in doing so unless you challenge yourself to do it? you won't have a better aim, your building skills will still sucks and you won't advance.
no u

Add me for when I can actually load Epic Games Launcher on a good pc instead of this potato of a laptop

Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
Hiding in a bush works extremely well until the endgame, then you have to use landmarks as cover and peek using the 3rd camera view to stay hidden.

You can also pick up supply drops & loot from dead opponents and gain materials / weapons that way.

where's the fun in hiding all the time
i'd rather go in guns blazing
dreamy suicide act
I've been playing the sniper shootout, got 2nd place aftet getting boxed in and trapped after he went full on matrix mode to dodge my hunting rifle shots at close range.
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I've been playing the sniper shootout, got 2nd place aftet getting boxed in and trapped after he went full on matrix mode to dodge my hunting rifle shots at close range.

sniper shootout is really fun with friends, i love pulling off a triple sniper kill
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
sniper shootout is really fun with friends, i love pulling off a triple sniper kill

Triple collateral? I had a lineup for one & it didn't register