Liquor vs All Stars
classic 0 - 1 jojo boxshu1
fukqu 1 - 1 luca tk1
shmevin 2 - 1 fluorescence lenshu1
chick 3 - 1 shield abd1
shmevin 4 - 1 jojo boxshu2
chick 4 - 2 shole abd2
fukqu 5 - 2 luca tk2
classic 6 - 2 shield abd3
classic 6 - 3 shole abd4
fukqu 6 - 4 luca tk3
fukqu 6 - 5 luca tk4
shmevin 6 - 6 fluorescence lenshu2
alexander 6 - 7 trestet tk5
fukqu 6 - 8 luca tk6
chick 7 - 8 shield abd5
chick 8 - 8 shield abd6
chick 8 - 9 jojo boxshu3
alexander 8 - 10 trestet tk7
classic 9 - 10 shole abd7
shmevin 10 - 10 fluorescence lenshu3
frost 10 - 11 jojo boxshu4
frost 11 - 11 jojo boxshu5
shmevin 12 - 11 shield lenshu4
classic 12 - 12 shole abd8
alexander 13 - 12 luca tk8
chick 14 - 12 fluorescence abd9
classic 15 - 12 fluorescence abd10
frost 16 - 12 jojo boxshu6
shmevin 16 - 13 fluorescence lenshu5
mrbluberry 16-14 jenson lenshu6
mrbluberry 16-15 jenson lenshu7
mrbluberry 16-16 jenson lenshu8
mrbluberry 17-16 jenson lenshu9
mrbluberry 17-17 jenson lenshu10
frost 18-17 sentral boxshu7
frost 18-18 sentral boxshu8
frost 18-19 sentral boxshu9
fukqu 18-20 sentral boxshu10
The remaining games will be played in the coming days.
Last edited by Shmevin; Oct 12, 2020 at 06:35 AM.