Originally Posted by reekondub View Post
um no that is worth 30k maximum. would u like to buy full knox pack for 20k?

were you talkin to me?
you obviously dont kno about prices, mysterio is worth 50k max
ill give it to you for as low as 40k
in the market lowest and only price is 60k so he's giving you a good price id take it but im broke anyways i can't sell you the stuff no more but i might be able to sell you two flames
Im selling:
Mysterio Pack
Raider DQ
Raider Emote
Raider Ghost
Raider Grip
Raider Left Hand Motion Trail
Raider Left Leg Motion Trail
Raider Primary Gradient
Raider Right Hand Motion Trail
Raider Right Leg Motion Trail
Raider Timer
Raider Torso
Raider Usertext
Radioactive User Text
Radioactive Ghost
Radioactive DQ
Name the price and ill sell something to ya.
º7th Dan Black Beltº
ºJoin my fan club!º
(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ

Acid Ghost
Amber Ghost
Aqua Left Hand Motion Trail
Beetle Blood
Beetle DQ
Beetle Emote
Beetle Ghost
Beetle Grip
Beetle Left Hand Motion Trail
Beetle Left Leg Motion Trail
Beetle Right Hand Motion Trail
Beetle Right Leg Motion Trail
Beetle Secondary Gradient
Beetle Timer
Beetle Torso
Beetle User Text
Bronze relax
Bronze Timer
Camo Blood
Camo DQ Camo Force
Camo Ghost
Camo Grip
Camo Left Hand Motion Trail
Camo Left Leg Motion Trail
Camo Primary Gradient
Camo Right Hand Motion Trail
Camo Right Leg Motion Trail
Camo Secondary Gradient
Camo Timer
Camo Torso
Camo User Text
Gaia Force
Gaia Right Leg Motion Trail
Gladiator Blood
Gladiator Emote Color
Gladiator Force
Gladiator Ghost
Gladiator Grip Color
Gladiator Left Hand Motion Trail
Gladiator Left Leg Motion Trail
Gladiator Primary Gradient
Gladiator Relax
Gladiator Relax
Gladiator Right Hand Motion Trail
Gladiator Right Hand Motion Trail
Gladiator Right Leg Motion Trail
Gladiator Secondary Gradient
Gladiator Timer
Gladiator Torso
Gladiator User Text
Helios Blood
. Helios DQ
Helios Emote
Helios Force
. Helios Ghost
Helios Left Hand Motion Trail
Helios Left Leg Motion Trail
Helios Primary Gradient
Helios Relax
Helios Right Hand Motion Trail
Helios Right Leg Motion Trail
Helios Secondary Gradient
Helios Timer
Helios Torso
Helios User Text
. Hydra Blood
Hydra DQ
Hydra Emote Color
n Hydra Ghost
n Hydra Grip Color
Hydra Left Hand Motion Trail
Hydra Left Leg Motion Trail
Hydra Primary Gradient
Hydra Right Hand Motion Trail
Hydra Right Leg Motion Trail
Hydra Secondary Gradient
Hydra Timer
Hydra Torso
Hydra User Text

Magnetite Ghost
Marine Emote Color
Marine Primary Gradient
Neptune Blood
Neptune DQ
Neptune Emote

Neptune Ghost
Neptune Grip
Neptune Left Hand Motion Trail
Neptune Left Leg Motion Trail
Neptune Primary Gradient

Neptune Right Hand Motion Trail
Neptune Right Leg Motion Trail
Neptune Secondary Gradient
.Neptune Timer
Neptune Torso
Neptune User Text
Orc Emote Color
ORC force
Orc Left Leg Motion Trail
Orc Primary Gradient
ORC relax
Orc Secondary Gradient
Orc Timer
Orc Torso
Pharos Ghost
Quicksilver Blood
Radioactive blood
Radioactive DQ
Radioactive Ghost
Radioactive Torso
Shaman Force
Shaman Ghost
Sphinx Force

yea em... choose xD