[Dark]The tails of the bananalama
Before posting here, please read page 1 and 2 of this thread.
The bananalama is our clan mascot and therefore it is our duty to honor him by creating back stories. We already know that it is he who created spiciness and that therefore is the origin of the rule of the fapping hamster (what you don't know it?). Also, when we refer to the bananalama, it is not to the talking banana only or the green earless lama, it is of both. The talking banana encountered its noble ride several centuries ago and they have coexisted so long together that their mind and conscience are connected, they are one (that is why the great bananalama is also referred as "The ONE").
Also, his hand gesture supposes that he listens to Heavy Metal, there is a legend that he controls Ozzy Osbourne with his psychic powers .Let us recall that Ozzy Osbourne was once a member of Black Sabbath which is probably the first heavy metal band (note the "Black" in Black Sabbath which is a "Dark" color...this contributes to the connection of the bananalama and the clan story that is only known by old members).
The mighty bananalama is know to posses a series of powers:
-Controlling the minds of people which name start with an "O" (Ozzy, ownagehuh...)
-Having no ears and yet hearing and listening everything that is being,was or will be said (so don't try and speak bad about him, he will know...)
-Having the mind-blasting look of the
dramatic looking hamster (this inspired him in his creation of the rule of the fapping hamster)
-Creating mind-blowing flavors and only mind blowing such as spicy and sugary (though he is bored of this power since -862)
-Being immortal
and never getting bored of it
-Being the only being that does not have a flavor
-Eating fag heads for dinner (yes its a superpower even superman doesn't have)
-Joining bncy without anyone knowing (even bncy members)
The holy bananalama can be referred to as :
-The ONE
-The Two in One
-The earless
-The Dark mascot
-ownagehuh's alter ego
-Jimmy Hendrix
-He-who-must-not-be-named-unless it's-absolutely-necessary-or-if-you-are-in-Dark-or-if-you-are-an-ally-of-the-clan-or-if-it-is-in-wibbles-damn-what-a-long-name-this-is-I-should-stop-caffeine
If you wish to contribute to the legend of the bananalama, feel free to post here, a more complete story of his life and actions may be presented soon...(hope you see this line now...)
Last edited by Muffindo; May 8, 2009 at 07:47 AM.