Originally Posted by leilak View Post
Since the servers on euw are pretty bad still I'm on NA every now and again. Usernames "Leilak", add me if you wanna fuck around in normals.

Fuck you traitor =\

EU > BR > LAN > NA
Last edited by Samopal; Nov 8, 2014 at 03:51 PM.
Why did I decide to try to climb into gold .-. this is the worst idea I've ever had. I'm going to be bald by the end of today because I'm going to rip out all my hair.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I've heard gold is like Bronze, but much worse because everone is greedy.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Gold IS basically bronze, I'm seeing plays that are so atrocious that I question whether I want to deal with ranked in the future if it's just to get myself out of one cesspool into another, slightly less shit-infested cesspool when I can just play normals and get matched with and against players who don't dive 1v5 to attempt to kill one quarter health person, or insist on playing akali mid every game, when they haven't won a single goddamn lane as akali in the last 10 games they've played, or willingly counter-pick themselves into a losing lane and promptly lose it so hard that the enemy lane literally can just walk into another lane and 100-0 anybody there and then waltz back to mid in time to secure another kill on the baddie.

I'm done with this season and probably ranked in general, I just can't be arsed to put myself through any more of this torture. I don't play morgana, I don't need victorious morgana, and no amount of bragging rights over having a victorious skin is worth the amount of years I'm taking off myself by playing ranked. My mmr says I can get higher, but my body and brain are telling me that it's not fucking worth it. I don't have the time to work through any amount more of the agonizing, facepalm-worthy games that I've subjected myself to for the last 6 hours, and I could be having so much more fun in the process.


God I hate ranked.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I'm in Bronze with a negative value in points so... Apparently, I'm really bad in ranked, but my MMR in normals is higher than my friends. FML.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
don't worry oracle, it's not worth the grind. i fucking hate league now that i'm gold and i don't ever want to play it again

i had way more fun when i was in bronze and silver than now
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Gold IS basically bronze, I'm seeing plays that are so atrocious that I question whether I want to deal with ranked in the future if it's just to get myself out of one cesspool into another, slightly less shit-infested cesspool when I can just play normals and get matched with and against players who don't dive 1v5 to attempt to kill one quarter health person, or insist on playing akali mid every game, when they haven't won a single goddamn lane as akali in the last 10 games they've played, or willingly counter-pick themselves into a losing lane and promptly lose it so hard that the enemy lane literally can just walk into another lane and 100-0 anybody there and then waltz back to mid in time to secure another kill on the baddie.

I'm done with this season and probably ranked in general, I just can't be arsed to put myself through any more of this torture. I don't play morgana, I don't need victorious morgana, and no amount of bragging rights over having a victorious skin is worth the amount of years I'm taking off myself by playing ranked. My mmr says I can get higher, but my body and brain are telling me that it's not fucking worth it. I don't have the time to work through any amount more of the agonizing, facepalm-worthy games that I've subjected myself to for the last 6 hours, and I could be having so much more fun in the process.


God I hate ranked.

Ive been climbing to gold and i didnt hit a roadblock until silver 1, but even now it doesnt seem to hard, im currently silver 1 75 lp so almost there.
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