Of course Kat, I was just frustrated because everybody takes ranked so seriously that I just can't enjoy myself playing it. Every game that wasn't a stomp in ranked had people's jimmies getting rustled left and right over the stupidest things and it sucks the fun out of the game after experiencing it for a couple hours. It made me feel like every 1 lp change was at the cost of 1 month of my life, and it made me terribly exhausted with it. People seem to get so much more desperate at the end of the season, and it shows in their actions. If I do pick up ranked next season, I'm getting gold well before the season's end.
I know I have room to improve. I realized that, while I own all the champions, my champion pools of comfortable picks for each role are lacking in several cases. My jungle picks are pretty much kha and nautilus, and naut is supposedly getting dumpstered in s5 jungle and kha gets banned frequently still. My mid comforts are azir, viktor, and veigar, so I'm fine there, even if I never get to play mid because everyone and their mother calls it. Top is trundle, maokai, and jayce, I need to learn a good top mage, probably ryze, as much as I hate playing top lane mages. My support pool has deteriorated heavily to blitz, thresh, alistar, or maokai, need to relearn the passive supports. And my adc pool has only corki sitting comfortably there because, for whatever reason, I can actually last hit well with that fucker. And csing in general is something I struggle with, so I gotta shore that up.
So I'm trying to learn some new roles in normal for next season, should I decide to do it. At worst, I can maybe stop everyone at my club from banning my blitz every goddamn game by terrorizing them on a different one.
Much more calm now that I could sleep off yesterday's gripes. That was probably the least fun day of videogames that I've had.