Hey guys I was the op of a fun room it was great Im hosting on today ALL DAY or until the night late. join just made the match!
Here is one replay of the one gamemode we played AND one more about soccer!
Made the room
Sorry I havent been on the forums much of late. Terraria went on sale for $2.50 on Steam and I just had to have it. So it's been dominating my life lately.
Tell 'em the news.
Last edited by Hlmaster; Jul 15, 2012 at 08:11 PM.
ok my room is still going 4 hour mark the name is fun the desc is funzone with colors
I am the owner use to have 9 people or 10 then people got off. right now 5 people.
i got some funny replays ill post later I better get back to the room.