Ooo... You should add me on Steam! I don't know my Steam name... oh wait I do... I'll send it to you on Skype. Maybe we have some games in common that we can play together! I have like 20 games. c:

Why es Pair es mean to da Twilights, Creati0n?
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by Pair View Post
Get out u pony loving estrogen filled bitch.

I will back hoof the dick outta you motherfucker.

Don't disrespect the equestrian kind or we gonna shank you.
Not a brony, but hell, Pair's an asswipe. (Es true. hue)

Dunno why he's hatin' though. :o
Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Not a brony, but hell, Pair's an asswipe. (Es true. hue)

Dunno why he's hatin' though. :o

Probably because he doesn't like the group of compounds named for their importance in both menstrual and estrous reproductive cycles.
Originally Posted by Haunter View Post

PAIR . . .

Don't worry, I'm not calling you gay.
or am i


That O looks like a diamond ring. xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.