lol i won see the rpl .... u were there!


omg.... i dk wtf happened to the rpl but i won srsly i was like 30k dmg points and he was 0!!!!

2nd edit im going to post the rpl back see wtf is the prob....
Attached Files
rage vs nano 1.rpl (5.6 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by micho; Mar 20, 2009 at 03:42 PM.
hehe i know see the second one xD maybe it wont glitch


okay its official the replay is glitched xD
OH well well well. My avvy is cool, im going to change the font of my name but thx for it. I vote "yes" on that man who wanted to join.
Also, I know some of you are sad cuz we dont comment your art, .rpls etc but notice that its pretty hard to find anything in our DSC. It will get much more organized if we become official. Also Fezch...thats weird what you want to do, I dont like double-clanning idea. Really, I know that YES is official and "more cool" by it, but stay with us.
Originally Posted by Fezch View Post
This un-officialness sucks ass. We need it really bad now, seeing as Nano is getting hard to organise.
If we get official (not WHEN, IF) we have to get them to move this thread into there.
Get them to Move, Sticky, Close.
Then we always have our DSC right there, and we don't lose tonnes of posts when it gets deleted. Lol.

Ub3r post, huh?

Agh, quit saying that... Just use the website I made""
I intended it for use if the toriforums we have get unorginized.
Just join in and start a forum thread. Then, tell about it here.
Don't read this.
Helopppp; we have to stay active here. Look at clan Gods of Ice, their toriforum is dead but they're pretty active on their own website. However, we are now trying to stay active here so cant just be "dead" here. Thats why official forum would be so appreciated.
nice, also i upgraded some features on my phone i can do some very special effects..... if u want to see it its called sony ericsson c905 i'm getting some examples soon but it rocks just ask for tint catoonization ..... and u'll get it

go here to see it
Last edited by micho; Mar 20, 2009 at 08:41 PM.
Ah, I understand Kor. I just feel as though this clan is too disorganized.
Almost as bad as my locker for school.

Anyways, If any of you guys need the head I wore for the clan pic, Just PM me.
(Of course I won't let you wear it)
Here is the spinny:
Don't read this.