Played a normal game as corki for funsies. The enemy vayne got camped so hard and killed so often, she missed maybe half of all the waves in the first 10 minutes. I honestly felt bad for her, she had 12 deaths at the 20 minute ff, and 10 of them occurred before the 15 minute mark.
Literally it went like, invade, she gets low and burns heal and flash, enters lane, eats a phosphorus bomb and auto, runs back, nami flash heal for first blood. 1. Wave gets pushed in so it resets pushing into us and we b. The instant we return, morg top teles in behind the vayne just as nami baits the tumble out of vayne with bubble, easy snare, gets killed. 2. Waves gets pushed in, again resets pushing into us. Nami hides in a bush before vision, and I make it look like I'm going for deep cs, vayne autos me once and I back off, vayne takes bait and tumbles after me, nami lands an easy bubble, dead. 3. Freeze lane at our turret, vayne returns, lee sin arrives at the exact same time and we just plain run her down like a dog. Dead. 4. Push lane out, take dragon, she manages to get just in time for the caster line, lane resets pushing back to us, but not before leesin makes a return and insecs her into nami, promptly tidal waved and dead. 5. She now actively avoids going to bot lane, still gets caught because lee sin shows up where she goes and the one time he didn't I came around and just straight 1v1 her taking half health.
So if you think you're getting camped hard, remember this vayne. rip in peace
Last edited by Oracle; Nov 12, 2014 at 05:07 AM.