This was the middle of the day we werent using lights. We didn't have a hot chick singing, but we had a hot chick recording the video, so... Our singer couldn't make it to this practice nor could our bassist. This was the newest song I had written presented to the band that day, so it's only one part of it and not the full song. The Ke$ha thing was like our first song (which I was against -.- That's why we now call majority rules w/o ever consulting the minority about the decision getting Tik-Tok'd) Plus it's only one guitar of the song. Again, they will NOT let me upload any full songs; they REFUSE. And, yea, Timmy did pretty much butcher that song, (then again, I really don't like Adele... depressing), but don't let that one video shape your judgement about him, he is a pretty good guitarist.