Name (Real name):My real name is Max... not for for Maximus, Maximum or anything x)
Gender: I'm a male
Age: I'm 16 years old
Gmt: My GMT is United Kingdom +1
Belt: Custom Belt
Why do you want to join: I want to join because you guys are generally awesome, MrJingles and I are friends (I hope) and i would like to be part of your group.
Past Clans: [eVo] Evolution, [Nitro] Nitro, (o) Originals
Why did you leave your past clan?: eVo got to the point where i just didn't enjoy being in there. Nitro ended up completely dying with members and even the leader leaving (o) was my clan and everyone ended up leaving after being denied from official.
What can you offer?: I do make replays, mostly UKE bash, but i can also trick and spar.
Infraction/ban history (please be honest): All of my infractions where from useless posting i think... but that was about 1 - 2 years ago.
I was banned once, which had nothing to do with me, 1bio came into a betting server, sent all his items to players, after 1Bio got banned, those who got the items got banned until they sent it to either Fear or back to 1Bio.
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: No, i ain't into that lol
Invited by some one?: Nope, my own decision
Special Skills?: I'm good at most mods and replay making imo
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: I don't think i'm funny, but if people do, that's cool
Sp/mp replays: I lost most of my replays since they was on my other computer which my sister has atm, but i made one recently which is bellow.
Do you accept hipotibor as your lord and savior?: This is hard to answer... maybe? but he'll have to show me his worthiness