Ok, time to start the cleanup.
Actual members who are active at the board:
Looking over the inactivity of such a high count of members I have to pull out the hardliner card and kick everyone without activity for now, even if that erase more than the half of the clan.
If the kicked ones wanna come back into the clan they HAVE to show up more activity.
Dammit, get your fucking asses up and show up more activity or you just get a raging Viper!!
[Edit: Including me there are only 8 members left now. I open up again the recruitment but only really active ones will be picked now and EVERY member get a deeper check by me from now on with an eye on overall activity and more. Every new member starts as trial one, no direct full membership anymore.
Take this cleanup as a warning, I will not tolerate inactivity without reasons and without the slightest information to me anymore!!!
Last edited by ViperTech; Nov 21, 2012 at 07:51 PM.