*Name (Actual) Drake Howell
*Date of Birth:10-26-1995
Primary Language(s):English
Secondary Language(s):N/A
Alternate Accounts:Option12
Preferred Mods:Xspar.tbm aikido.tbm
Previous Clans:N/A
Biography:I like to spar people that have a talent to spar my account was broken so thats why i have shit textures.And this is the first time i have actually been able to do something.
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.)
Why You Want to Join:I feel like this clan has oppertunity to be great with all the people you got.And i wanna help to be better than all clans
What You Can Offer The Clan: I cant really offer anything sorry i just got my account from being broken so i cant offer toricredits or textures but i'll ask my friends if they would lend me some tc.
Last edited by Maxtix; Aug 3, 2013 at 04:07 AM.