*Name (Actual): Sam
*Date of Birth: 1998
*Location: Rugby
GMT: 11:00
Primary Language(s): English
Secondary Language(s): French
Belt: Black
Alternate Accounts: None!
Preferred Mods: Judo
Previous Clans: Not sure!
Biography: Im a pretty nice guy and dosent rage and i keep my calm
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.) XBOX LIVE: nem0t4stic
Why You Want to Join: It looks legit i like the anema nd the members
What You Can Offer The Clan: Not Sure! YET
Want any Graphics? | PM ME!
belt: black
why i wanna join: coz i want to join a clan and i like elite
previous clans: bcp
alt accounts: 3L3KTR0
pref mods: twinsword judo aikido(any)
prim language: english
sec launguage: japanese
waht i can offer: another member
I say NO because can't spell black belt don't know what a GMT is and you can offer us apparently nothing you say you have no skills you haven't put up any replays
and your reason to join is horrible
Fear is an illusion of the mind. Pain is the illusion of the senses
*Name (Actual):Solomon Carter
*Date of Birth:8-23-1996
GMT:GMT(Sorry Never heard of it.)
Primary Language(s):English
Secondary Language(s):
Alternate Accounts:None
Preferred Mods:Aikido,and ABD
Previous Clans:Onyx
Biography:Well not much to tell about my life I had fun the whole time XD
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.)
Why You Want to Join:I want to offer skill to your clan and hope to make the best of my time
What You Can Offer The Clan:Skill I mean textures and make vids but I can bring good sparing replays and cool fights
Well I think we need someone that can make textures and clan vids it's a MAYBE from me

but it would be a yes if you can make me a head XD
Fear is an illusion of the mind. Pain is the illusion of the senses
*Name (Actual) Drake Howell
*Date of Birth:10-26-1995
Primary Language(s):English
Secondary Language(s):N/A
Alternate Accounts:Option12
Preferred Mods:Xspar.tbm aikido.tbm
Previous Clans:N/A
Biography:I like to spar people that have a talent to spar my account was broken so thats why i have shit textures.And this is the first time i have actually been able to do something.
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.)
Why You Want to Join:I feel like this clan has oppertunity to be great with all the people you got.And i wanna help to be better than all clans
What You Can Offer The Clan: I cant really offer anything sorry i just got my account from being broken so i cant offer toricredits or textures but i'll ask my friends if they would lend me some tc.
Attached Files
Maxtix - Tacti.rpl (167.9 KB, 3 views)
Maxtix - Varte.rpl (86.9 KB, 3 views)
Maxtix - Fire.rpl (492.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Maxtix; Aug 3, 2013 at 04:07 AM.
Its a yes from me maxtix because I have played you and you are really good ,your modest, and know when to tell a joke.
NVM maxtix you are all ready i a clan <_>
Last edited by warlizard; Aug 4, 2013 at 12:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Fear is an illusion of the mind. Pain is the illusion of the senses
glitzdrago: Denied.
Mr0: Denied.
Maxtix: I would accept you, but you're already in a clan.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]