okay i need toriprime
i kinda need toriprime i can give theese items for 12$ usd
Monk colectors item lowest in market 60k
Rayclovis collectors card 100k
kyat card 100k
thats worth around maybe $52 im asking for $12 deal? paypal only
or if ur real nice ull gime 24$ so i can also get a 100tc booster
[email protected]
Send me 12$ and recieve the items + no neopet account
send me 19$ and recieve the items + a neopets account containing 25000np and a neocash item
send me 24$ recieve the items +u get a neopet with 25000np on it and level 2!
send me 30$ and u get the items +a level 3 neopet account with 50000np on it
send me 40$ and recieve the items+ a level 3 neopet and 100000np on it!
now the best one
50$ u get the items +azurite relax and saphire force and raider ghost and qs gradient and aqua secondary + a 50000np account on level 2 and ill give u the names of the highest scoring games
Last edited by Blah; Nov 21, 2009 at 04:32 PM.