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So how does bottom lane support and ADC tie in together? They work like well luberecated cogs of a clock, meshing perfectly with their own jobs. Let's have a senerio. A typical level four trade; The support uses Zenith Blade to start the fight, ADC uses Relentless Pursuit to dodge the enemy support and ADC's Grasping Roots and Phosphorus Bomb. Your support continues to lock down the carry with her Shield of Daybreak and you (the ADC) use ignite, Piercing Light, and auto attacks to finish him down. Teamwork makes the dream work, no? Bonus points if you can name the Champions based on the description
A bit too complex to explain bot lane. First, if they don't know what the champs are, that was a bunch of mumbojumbo that you just said. Explaining the role, how the champion fits the role, and how that works out would explain it better. And that would still take up too much time and be an overload.
Using the same example: Blue team has Leona and Lucien in the bot lane. Leona is a tanky support who is designed to initiate fights by locking down opponents with her strong cc. Lucien is a mobile adc who weaves in spells between his autoattacks to maximize his damage. Leona's job in lane is to provide pressure on the opposing laners to give Lucien room to farm, while also looking for kill opportunities to funnel more gold into Lucien, and keeping vision on the river with wards to warn of jungler ganks. Lucien's job in lane is primarily to last hit creeps, while paying attention to his support to capitalize off any opportunities his support makes.
Purple team has Corki and Zyra in the bot lane. Zyra is a ranged support who excels at poking her opponents in lane and locking down opponents or disengaging fights with her strong aoe snare and knockup. Corki is an adc which has good bullying power in lane and weaves a lot of magic damage spells in between autos to maximize his damage. Zyra's job in lane is to poke the opposing laners with her plants and Q, while using her E to lockdown targets for either kill potential or to peel for her adc, and also keeping vision on the river with wards to warn of jungler ganks. Corki's job is primarily to last hit creeps, while paying attention to his support to capitalize off any opportunities his support makes.
If Leona initiates a fight in lane using her E, Zenith Blade, she closes the gap between herself and the enemy champion she hits, very briefly rooting them and putting her in auto attack range. If she lands it on either Corki or Zyra, Lucien would take this as a sign to start a fight and stop farming and start attacking enemy champions. In response to being hit by Zenith Blade, Corki would try to use his E, Valkyrie, to get out of danger by dashing away, while Zyra would try to use her E, Grasping Roots, to root the enemy support and adc to try to get some distance between them. Lucien, in turn, would try to avoid E using either movement or his own E, Relentless Pursuit, to try to avoid.... blah blah blah, I got bored.
Point is, bot lane is difficult and it doesn't help explaining it if you're going to explain it when leaving out half of the information as a guessing game. Most people don't learn what champions can do what except through facing or playing as them. Just explaining the general archetypes of supports and adc, and duties while in lane, should give a general idea of what goes on.
As an example for supports, tanky initiator supports typically look to put pressure and make kill opportunities, ranged mage supports typically look to put out poke and make kill opportunities, heal supports typically try to keep their adc healthy through the laning phase. All of them try to disengage their adc from disadvantageous fights, and keep vision of the jungle and river to mitigate ganks. Proceed to give examples of each role and explain that some of these roles overlap (sona is both a healbot and a mage). Explain also that supports typically are powerful without items, which lets them function as a role designed to funnel as much gold as possible into somebody which scales very well with items. This keeps information concise, explains everything in enough detail to make it applicable, but vaguely enough to not be an overload of information.