Age: 10
Nationality: Flipino
Belt: Blue
Preferred Mods: Aikido, Taekkyon, Wushu.
Old Clans: None.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I admire most of the people here and [Urban], In my opinion, Is the most interesting clan of all. [Urban], Whenever I hear it, It Brings me to life and reminds me of you guys.
What kind of skills do you bring to urban?: My set of skills are: Aikido, Wushu and Taekkyon. I can improve in some mods if you guys request or tell me to.
Other Qualities: Well, I can make Textures. That's one. I am a nice Friend to all and I am very loyal. When People tell me to do something, I try to do it a soon as possible.
Thank you very much for reading.