A good price for static relax would be around 33-35k
Quicksilver relax would be around 17-20k.
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Originally Posted by Sharickkou View Post
Old gold relax?


Originally Posted by PressPlay View Post
quicksilver force
hunter relax

Quicksilver force - 22k
Hunter relax - 12k-13k

Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
Static secondary Gradiant


Originally Posted by ToriTroll View Post

350k - 400k
Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
These texture trails (Just The Picture)

And this head

Texture trails - 1k for all four.
Your head texture - 250 TC

Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Sapphire Relax
Raider Secondary Gradient

Sapphire relax - 7k-8k
Raider Secondary Gradient - 3.5k

Originally Posted by ParrotBot View Post
These two sets.

Size: 512
Artist: Shamshank
Previous Owner: Shamshank

Size: 512
Artist: Shamshank
Previous Owner: Shamshank

1st set - 35k-40k
2nd set - 45k-55k

Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
Quciksilver Realx
Static relax
Full shaman trails
Maya left hand motion trail

Static relax - 45k-50k
Full shaman trails - 6k
Maya left hand motion trail - 1.2k

Originally Posted by manowar123 View Post
Static force and kevlar lax

Static force - 32k
Kevlar relax - 20k

Originally Posted by DipperILBI View Post
how much would this set be.
everysingle thing in the pic or link;


Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
Bumpmap Left & Right Hand Textures

Bumpmap left hand texture - 4k
Bumpmap right hand texture - 4k

Originally Posted by Scas View Post
I am looking to buy Hunter Force, for how much should i look out around?

Around 12k would be reasonable.
Last edited by firebolty; Oct 22, 2011 at 11:38 PM.