Heh, I've got a good one.
So there's this woman right? And she's giving birth.
So there's a doctor waiting to receive the baby at the other end and the womans family and whatnot looking on.
So the the doctor yanks the baby out of the mother after a one big push and..
The doctor starts whacking it's head against the side of a sink and just curb stomps it against the corner of the room.
The doctor then proceeds to just fuck the baby like some sort of animal
So everyone in the room is screaming 'AHSHDASHDJASHDJASHJD'
And the doctor just continues with the abject animal fucking for about 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, he looks up at the people gathered in shock staring at him and the baby and he says,
"Hehe, just kidding. The baby was already dead."
Hurhurhur. Getit?