So guys, what's the hardest carry champion? I'm tired of doing better than everyone else and still end up losing because #bronzelyfe
Kookoo, I swear to god if you steal another kill or die 4 times when playing bots I'll play Karthus just to ks the shit outta you. I'll stay in base at level 6 and use ult when someone is close to dying xdd
Actually, I remember how smooth Nidalee and Annie's auto attacks are. They're not all bad. But LeBlanc and Karthus' are just... Meh.
He's got quite a lot of soft counters, and most of them are demonic like Akali and Katarina. I fucking hate those champions.
Played a few games as Karthus v Katarina, it's easier than you think (early game at least, just don't let her roam). Enter lane, spam Q caster minions and then continue to Q melee minions (whilst getting the last hit ofc). You should be able to get to lvl 2 quicker than Katarina and that's when you get E and just zone her out of cs and xp. The main problem with this is because you'll be extremely vulnerable to ganks since Karthus is very squishy and has no escapes in his kit. Just as long as you ward properly you should be fine.
Also I love getting Boots of Speed with alacrity + movement speed items so when you do get ganked you just press E, place W on top or in front of enemy champions and land Q's all day since they run into them for some retarded reason. If they kill you just keep spamming Q and then R if they're low enough.
Sorry if I'm just rambling on he's just a very fun champion to play lol. One game I was playing Karthus support and we got the Blitzcrank low enough for me to kill with R. Turns out the enemy top laner and jungler were very low too so I got a triple kill and snowballed from there xD