Hmmm this is a hard one.
But im going for yes/yes
Marriage is just a symbol ( this symbol isnt quite for me though ) but who is anyone to keep people for sharing their believes in that symbol.
Adoption, well my aunt is a lesbian and on birthdays she and her girlfriend visited, also on many other ocations i saw her. Its just normal as hell, its two people in love nothing more. Wouldnt mind at all for them to adopt a baby.
But im not saying this would have zero % effect on the child being raised, i believe allmost everything influences a person when they are growing up. First of all i think a child raised by a gay couple does not look at homosexuality in a strange way but is more familiar with it and would naturally tolerate gay men and women.
Next to these points, there are still studies being done on what influences people at a young age, and they keep coming up with new ideas, ( psychology changes ), like they do have names for syndroms that people are showing for missing a father figure or a mother in their youth. Its not contributing specifically to the bad or the good of the matter.
For instance:
A boy gets raised by two fathers, two fathers with soft feminin sides, there is a big chance his feminin side would develop in a greater rate ( wich isnt negative, it just is ) but can cause for him in a later period in his life to maybe communicate better with women then with man,on a friend to friend base. Im not saying this is bad" but just as different factors in a heterosexual marriage can influence a person while growing up. This also brings change to a persons life. So all in all there could be complications. ( or not )
But that doesnt make we say no to it, im a firm believer of freedom and equality. Denying gay men and women to adopt would be treating them as unequal.
Just to throw it in there:
I would have a bigger problem with people that follow a religion adopting a child, if they would not leave the child to come to its own terms on what to believe in this reality.
Because that would be "in my eyes" the reforming of an individual into a believe system, leaving him/her no freedom in this life, or the rightfull fear of not knowing.
sort of - of topic, sorry for that, just felt important to throw in there.